The Importance of Defining Lifecycle Contacts

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are crucial tools for businesses aiming to manage and analyze customer interactions throughout the customer lifecycle. Among the numerous CRM platforms available, HubSpot stands out due to its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface. A key aspect of maximizing the potential of a CRM like HubSpot is defining lifecycle contacts accurately. This process involves categorizing contacts based on their relationship with your business, which helps streamline communication, enhance marketing strategies, and improve overall performance. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of defining lifecycle contacts, focusing specifically on HubSpot, and explore how the eighth type of lifecycle contact—’Partner’—can benefit your business.

Introduction to RevOps

Lifecycle contacts in HubSpot are segmented into various stages to help businesses manage their interactions and strategies effectively. Here’s an overview of the eight types of lifecycle contacts:
LifecycleNameWhen to Enroll a User
1st Contact When a new user enters your system and the relationship has not yet been defined.
2nd Lead-Prospect When the contact is part of your target companies/organizations or fits your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) or Ideal Opportunity Profile (IOP).
3rd Engaged When the prospect has interacted with your business through any channel or touchpoint.
4th Deal Process (MQL-SQL-CQL) When there are active engagements, such as discovery calls or messages, and a deal has been created for these contacts/companies and other buyer groups.
5th IdealWhen the deal has gone dark, is on hold, or was lost, but the prospect showed some interest and may be considered an opportunity in the future.
6th Customer When the deal has been successfully closed, and the prospect becomes a customer.
7th Old Customer When the project has been completed, and there is no ongoing relationship with the customer.
8thPartner When there is a collaborative relationship rather than a traditional buyer-seller dynamic, such as partnerships or alliances.

Introduction to RevOps

Defining lifecycle contacts in a CRM like HubSpot is essential for several reasons:

Targeted Communication

Understanding where a contact stands in their lifecycle allows for tailored communication strategies. For instance, the messaging for a 'Lead-Prospect' will differ significantly from that for an 'Old Customer'.

Efficient Resource Allocation

By categorizing contacts, businesses can allocate resources more efficiently. High-priority leads or prospects can be targeted with more intensive marketing efforts, while customers can be nurtured for upsell opportunities.

Targeted Communication

Lifecycle definitions enable more precise marketing campaigns. For example, 'Engaged' contacts can be targeted with content that pushes them further down the sales funnel, while 'Deal Process' contacts can receive personalized follow-ups to close the sale.

Improved Data Management

Segmentation of contacts helps in managing data more effectively, reducing the risk of data silos and ensuring that all teams have access to relevant information.

Revenue Optimization

By clearly defining lifecycle stages, businesses can identify and address revenue leakage points, ensuring that potential sales opportunities are not lost due to miscommunication or lack of follow-up.

Introducing the 'Partner' Lifecycle Contact

The addition of the ‘Partner’ lifecycle contact is a strategic move that can significantly enhance how businesses interact with different stakeholders. Here’s why incorporating this eighth lifecycle contact is beneficial:

Unifying Lifecycle Elements

The 'Partner' lifecycle stage acknowledges the importance of collaborations that do not fit into traditional buyer-seller dynamics. This category includes relationships that may involve mutual business growth, co-marketing efforts, or strategic alliances. By defining this lifecycle stage, businesses can ensure that these valuable partnerships are managed effectively, with appropriate communication and collaboration strategies.

Addressing Revenue Leakage

Revenue leakage often occurs when potential opportunities are not fully explored or when existing relationships are not nurtured adequately. By categorizing contacts as 'Partners', businesses can focus on developing these relationships further, exploring new revenue streams, and maximizing the potential of collaborative efforts.

Mitigating Data Silos

Data silos occur when information is not shared across departments, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. The 'Partner' lifecycle stage encourages a more holistic view of relationships, ensuring that all relevant data is accessible to teams involved in managing these collaborations. This approach helps in creating a unified strategy for managing partnerships, reducing the risk of fragmented information.

Enhancing Performance

Integrating the 'Partner' lifecycle stage can lead to improved overall performance by fostering stronger relationships and ensuring that all interactions are strategically aligned with business goals. This stage also allows businesses to measure the impact of partnerships more accurately, leading to better decision-making and more effective resource allocation.

How to Implement Lifecycle Contact Definitions in HubSpot

Implementing lifecycle contact definitions in HubSpot involves several key steps:

Initial Setup

Define each lifecycle stage clearly and ensure that all team members understand the criteria for categorizing contacts. This step involves setting up properties in HubSpot to track the lifecycle stage of each contact.

Data Segmentation

Segment your contact database according to the defined lifecycle stages. This process may involve importing existing data into HubSpot and categorizing contacts based on their current relationship with your business.


Utilize HubSpot’s automation tools to manage lifecycle stages. For example, create workflows that automatically move contacts to the next lifecycle stage based on their interactions with your business.

Customized Communication

Develop communication strategies tailored to each lifecycle stage. This involves creating targeted email campaigns, personalized content, and specific follow-up strategies for different types of contacts.

Continuous Monitoring

Regularly review and update lifecycle stages to ensure they reflect the current status of each contact. This ongoing process helps in maintaining accurate data and optimizing your CRM strategy.

The Role of Lifecycle Definitions in Supporting Automation Campaigns

Defining lifecycle stages is not only essential for managing contacts effectively but also plays a crucial role in the implementation of automation campaigns. At Fruition RevOps, our Automated Customer Contact (ACC) solution leverages these lifecycle definitions to streamline and enhance your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts. Here’s how:

Supporting Automation Campaigns

Personalized Communication

By categorizing contacts into specific lifecycle stages, automation campaigns can deliver personalized messages that resonate with the recipient's current status. For instance, an 'Engaged' prospect can receive nurturing emails, while a 'Deal Process' contact can get follow-ups designed to close the sale.

Targeted Marketing

Automation campaigns can be tailored to target specific lifecycle stages, ensuring that marketing efforts are focused on the right audience. This targeted approach increases the effectiveness of campaigns and improves conversion rates.

Efficient Lead Management

Lifecycle definitions help automate the movement of contacts through the sales funnel. For example, when a 'Lead-Prospect' engages with your content, they can be automatically moved to the 'Engaged' stage and receive the appropriate follow-up actions.

Resource Allocation

Automation can prioritize contacts based on their lifecycle stage, ensuring that high-value leads receive more attention and resources. This prioritization helps in managing workload and maximizing the impact of your efforts.

Tracking and Analysis

Defining lifecycle stages allows for better tracking and analysis of contact interactions. Automation tools can generate reports on how contacts move through the stages, providing insights into the effectiveness of your strategies and areas for improvement.

Supporting Automation Campaigns

Our ACC solution at Fruition RevOps is designed to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your customer interactions. Lifecycle definitions are a foundational element of this solution, as they: Ensure that automation campaigns are precisely targeted and timed. Help maintain a cohesive and consistent approach to managing customer relationships. Provide a clear framework for measuring success and identifying opportunities for optimization.

Check Out The ACC

Explore our diverse range of Autoamtion Campaign Creator (ACC) types, each designed to address specific areas of revenue leakage or business improvement. Whether you’re looking to enhance lead generation, boost customer retention, or optimize cross-selling strategies, our Campaign Builder offers the perfect solution. Explore below our ACC options and find the best fit for your needs, and unique business objectives and market dynamics, ensuring you achieve measurable success.


Defining lifecycle contacts in CRM systems like HubSpot is crucial for managing customer relationships effectively and driving business growth. The addition of the ‘Partner’ lifecycle stage offers a unique advantage by acknowledging the value of collaborations and ensuring that these relationships are nurtured appropriately. By unifying lifecycle elements, addressing revenue leakage, and mitigating data silos, businesses can enhance their performance and achieve better outcomes. Implementing these strategies in HubSpot can help you leverage the full potential of your CRM, creating a more streamlined and efficient approach to managing your prospects and clients.

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Wednesday, October 18th
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Webinar Topic: Fix the Leak with Streamline Your Revenue Path with RevOps Funnels. 
How to seamlessly guide prospects through your company’s journey,

  1. Utilize the Funnels in Revenue Operations
  2. How to Prevent Bleeding Prospects and Customers in Your Company’s Journey
  3. How to Automate the Process for Enhanced Efficiency