A Fruition RevOps Use Case

Centralizing Data with HubSpot

Centralizing Data with HubSpot

Centralize the Data

A leading Company faced a challenge that many modern businesses grapple with – fragmented data. Over the years, they had accumulated vast amounts of valuable customer data. Still, it was scattered across various platforms, making it challenging to harness its full potential.

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The sales, marketing, and support teams, each operating in their silos, often found themselves retracing steps, missing out on sales opportunities, and running inefficient marketing campaigns. They knew something had to change, and that’s when they turned to Fruition RevOps.

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The Challenge:​

Imagine a puzzle with pieces scattered in different rooms. That’s how the client’s data landscape looked.
They had valuable insights about their customers, but these were spread across different systems, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities.
The lack of a unified view meant that teams often operated based on assumptions rather than data-driven insights.
The result? Lost revenue and a disjointed customer experience.

Six Platforms - Hundreds of thousands of Contacts and Customers

Each platform was excellent in its domain, but the lack of integration meant data silos, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. 
The challenge was about centralizing data and ensuring seamless communication between departments and teams.

  • Intercom for CMS and on-site engagements, offering real-time chat functionalities for website visitors.
  • PipeDrive for managing prospects and the sales funnel, ensuring leads were tracked and nurtured.
  • Mautic for marketing campaigns, automating marketing processes, and customer segmentation.
  • Klenty for sales email sequences, streamlining outreach and follow-ups.
  • TypeForm for creating interactive forms gathering customer feedback and data.
  • Zendesk for support ticketing, ensuring customer issues were addressed promptly.
Recognizing the client’s challenges, we saw an opportunity to create a cohesive data ecosystem. Therefore, we recommended HubSpot, known for its comprehensive Marketing Automation Platform (MAP).
Here’s how HubSpot’s modules could replace and enhance the functionalities of the client’s existing platforms:

HubSpot Integration & Replacement Overview

 The table below clearly compares the existing platforms and the corresponding HubSpot modules that can replace or integrate with them, offering enhanced functionalities and solutions.
Existing PlatformFunctionalityHubSpot ModuleSolution Provided by HubSpot
IntercomLive chat, on-site engagementsConversationsLive chat, bots, and team email functionalities
PipeDrive Managing prospects and sales funnelSales HubComplete CRM solution
MauticMarketing automationMarketing HubEmail marketing, lead scoring, and more
KlentySales email sequencesSequences toolManage and automate sales email sequences
TypeFormInteractive formsFormsEasy creation and tracking of forms
ZendeskSupport ticketingService HubCentralized customer support and ticketing

Our team took the lead, diving deep into the intricacies of HubSpot. We integrated every aspect, from API connections to Custom Objects and JSON structures. The client’s subscription databases and panels, some dating back over 8 years, were seamlessly connected to the MAP. The result?
A streamlined funnel structure that provided a 360-degree view of each customer.

In today’s digital age, data is more than just numbers on a screen; it’s the lifeblood of any business. Centralizing data is not just a technical task but a strategic move that can unlock unprecedented growth.
With Fruition RevOps and HubSpot, our client centralized their data and redefined their operations, setting the stage for sustained success.

Outcome Transformation

With their data now centralized in HubSpot, the transformation was evident:

Unified Teams

The once siloed sales, marketing, and support teams were now working in harmony, accessing the same data and collaborating effectively.

Data-Driven Strategies

The client could now make informed decisions, optimizing marketing campaigns and sales strategies based on real-time insights.

Revenue Boost

The sales team, equipped with actionable data, identified and capitalized on opportunities more effectively, leading to a significant increase in sales.

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Wednesday, October 18th
10AM (PST)

Webinar Topic: Fix the Leak with Streamline Your Revenue Path with RevOps Funnels. 
How to seamlessly guide prospects through your company’s journey,

  1. Utilize the Funnels in Revenue Operations
  2. How to Prevent Bleeding Prospects and Customers in Your Company’s Journey
  3. How to Automate the Process for Enhanced Efficiency